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REGNET Functional Architecture

nodes (building blocks)

Portal Cultural Heritage Data Management e-Business Data Management Ontology System Electronic Publisher
Description Description Description Description Description

components (subsystems)

4:  Data Generation 1:  Repository Management 7:  Product Catalogue Management 3:  Knowledge Base Access 8 Electronic Publishing
Description Description Description Description Description
5:  Search and Retrieval 2:  Reference System 9:  Procuremt, Delivery
Description Description Description    


Regnet Functional Architecture (UML-Diagram)

The Regnet system is an Internet based collaborative network of nodes. Nodes are organized in a geographic way: each node is managed by a cultural service center (CSC) which support local cultural organisations (CO). Each Node provides different sets of functionalities according to specificities of local COs. All Regnet nodes share common knowledge which is called Ontology. This knowledge dealt with users profiles, data formats and presentation of information.

Regnet functionalities has been splitten into subsystems. The aim of this part is to describe main functionalities of these subsystems. Detail functionalities are defined in the part dedicated to functional requirements, links between subsystems are detailed in the part dedicated to architecture.

The REGNET-System consists of different building blocks (called nodes in this document) which can be located on different Hardware/Software-Platform. These nodes are:

REGNET-Cultural Heritage Data Management;
REGNET-eBusiness Data Management;
REGNET-Ontology Checker;
REGNET-Electronic Publisher.

These building blocks host REGNET subsystems (called components in this document) which provide following functionalities:

Repository Management (subsystem-1);
Reference System Access (subsystem-2);
Knowledge Base Access (subsystem-3);
Data Generation (subsystem-4);
Search and Retrieval (subsystem-5);
E-Business (subsystem-6);
Product Catalogue Management (subsystem-7);
Electronic Publishing (subsystem-8);
Procurement Invocation (subsystem-9).


The REGNET-Portal consists of three components (subsystems), enabling access to following system functions:

Data Generation (subsystem-4);
Search and Retrieval (subsystem-5);
E-Business (subsystem-6).

Data Generation (subsystem-4)

This subsystem enables the generation of meta data either via a (configurable) data entry facility (loaded into the user's browser) or by sending a harvester to repositories included in Subsystem-1. Meta data are either stored in Subsystem-1 or -2. Data entry and harvester processes can be triggered by document type definitions (residing in Subsystem-3) according to the needs of the end user (librarian, archivist, curator). The client connected to this subsystem might even support multimedia and 2/3D data input of digital content.

Search and Retrieval (subsystem-5)

The Search Subsystems allows distribution of searches to different repositories and the merging of different result sets delivered by repository subsystems. It includes a subject gateway which directs queries in a domain or user profile specific way to repositories. Besides this query mechanism which is well known in the library/archive/museum world (Z39.50 based), this subsystem also provides the user with the possibility to distribute queries to product catalogues related to e-commerce systems (e.g. used by managing a museum store). Searches can be done on collection or item level.

E-Business (subsystem-6)

Besides the pure access to digital collections of cultural and scientific content, REGNET supports business processes based on digital surrogates. This can be a simple buying function (B2C) of digital surrogates or real objects (museum shop) or even an order to produce a personalized CD-ROM based on raw data coming and pre-selected (shopping cart) from different repositories. The second case involves Subsystem-8 which supports the generation of digital goods and might involve several suppliers in a B2B case. All sub processes (electronic payment, copy right management, data entry, etc) are invoked within this subsystem.


REGNET-Cultural Heritage Data Management

The REGNET-Cultural Heritage Data Management system facilitates the management of data related to scientific and cultural heritage. The connected repositories contain electronic documents as well as surrogates (e.g. Images) of ‘real objects’. This node type consists of two components:

Repository Management (subsystem-1);
Reference System (subsystem-2).

Repository Management (subsystem-1)

Repositories containing digital surrogates of 'primary' (real world) objects. A repository may be accompanied by a metadata data base within this subsystem which can be accessed by standard protocols (http, ISO-Z3950). Using conversion facilities data from legacy systems or not compliant with the REGNET meta data framework  can be imported into the REGNET environment.

Reference System (subsystem-2)

This subsystem contains meta data related to the Repositories included in Subsystem-1 or Subsystem-7. It allows distributed searches over those repositories. The metadata data base is populated by uploads of Subsystem-1 or Subsystem-7, or meta data generation done within Subsystem-4 (data entry, harvesting).


REGNET-eBusiness Data Management

The REGNET-eBusiness Data Management system facilitates the management of data related products and services. This node is connected to the procurement and delivery of goods and services provided by cultural organizations and consists of two components:

Product Catalogue Management (subsystem-7);
Procurement, Delivery Invocation (subsystem-9).

Product Catalogue Management (subsystem-7)

This subsystem includes meta data describing products (real or digital) offered by content providers up to services offered by service providers (e.g. consultancy, digitisation projects, etc). REGNET allows also search and retrieval of distributed product (and service) catalogues (as included in the ebXML specifications). Doing this the user will be able to compare products which supports his/her buying decision.

Procurement and Delivery (subsystem-9)

This subsystem provides access to products and services and transforms requests into real orders or logistic processes. Contractual matters and partnerships among the different stakeholders in the REGNET-System (Content Provider, Service Centres, Added Value Generator, Dealer, etc) are dealt with by this subsystem.


REGNET-Ontology System

The REGNET-Ontology System is a core element of the REGNET system and guarantees unification with respect to terminologies, metadata, business rules, etc. There is one component hosted by this node:

Knowledge Base Access (subsystem-3).

Knowledge Base Access (subsystem-3)

Subsystem-3 includes data about repositories, document types, domains, user profiles, product catalogues, terminologies, external systems, etc. It can be considered as a layer between the 'user access points' (Subsystem-4, -5, -6) and the different repository (content) related subsystems (Subsystem-1, -2, -7). It includes different administration tools for managing authority files, thesauri, meta data schemas, document type definitions, etc). This subsystem might be connected to external registries.


REGNET-Electronic Publisher

The REGNET-Electronic Publisher system provides the production of digital products like CD-ROMS, WEB-sites, etc. This node consists of one component:

Electronic Publishing (subsystem-8).

Electronic Publishing (subsystem-8)

Raw data located in digital repositories combined with commercial available data are the basis for personalized electronic publishing. The products generated are bound to a workflow which specifies the production process. Underlying knowledge and methodologies are accessible via this subsystem. Besides the production of CD-ROMs (e.g. using predefined story boards and workflows) the creation of virtual galleries or exhibitions or even WEB-sites are supported. The use of XSL and XML-DTDs in defining products will be investigated. Products or new workflow specifications, generated by Subsystem-8 can be used as new input to the existing range of products and services.
