empolis k42TM v1.1
empolis k42TM is an enterprise level Knowledge Management Application Server. k42 supports the creation, management and deployment of knowledge throughout an organisation or community. The k42 product is fully compliant with XTM 1.0 and provides TopicMap rapid deployment tools. In addition, k42 boasts a full JavaTM API to support advanced topicmap application development. To aid deployment and development, k42 comes with comprehensive developer and deployment documentation - from how to write a k42 Java client application to installing the k42 service with Tomcat.
k42TM 1.1 Documentation
There is a wealth of documentation regarding using, installing and developing with k42. Below are links to the different areas of k42 documentation.
k42 Installation Guide: provides details of installing and configuring the k42 server and associated web applications - Web Author and TopicMap View (TMV).
k42 Concepts: describes the key concepts of the k42 TopicMap model. This documentation enables users and developers to understand the basics of TopicMaps and how they are represented in k42.
k42 User Guide: The user guide provides complete documentation for using the WebAuthor and TMV web applications that come with k42.
Getting Started Writing k42 client applications : provides information about using the k42 builder class. This is a utility to aid the development of k42 client applications.
Advanced k42 Developer Guide : provides information about how to write k42 client applications and server side plugins. This document contains comprehensive API examples and a complete k42 client application.
TMV Developer Guide : provides information about how to write TMV applications. TMV allows the rapid deployment of TopicMap data from k42 as XML and HTML using XSLT.
k42 TMQL User Guide & Reference: this document describes the constructs and grammar of TMQL. As well as examples and descriptions of how to write TMQL queries, it includes the entire grammar of TMQL.
Guide to enabling SSL: This document explains how to enable SSL support within k42 for secure communications in distributed applications.
k42 API : This is the complete Javadoc for use when developing k42 applications.